The course is broken into three modules:
Module 1: Cyber Threats and Actors
- The nature of cyber threats that businesses commonly face
- Types of threat actors
- Opportunistic vs Targeted attacks
Module 2: Cyber Risk
- Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability and what they mean to you
- Understanding your legal and regulatory obligations
- Supply-chain risk
- Assessing impact
- To avoid, accept or treat?
Module 3: Governance and Cyber
- Cyber security as an enabler
- Security is not just an IT issue
- Accountability
- Leading security from the top table
- Cyber risk management frameworks
- Oversight principles
- What questions should you be asking?
Upon course completion, you will be able to:
- Understand the types of threats that may face your business and why they matter
- Appreciate the value to your business of being cyber secure
- Determine your risk appetite for a compromise involving your key information assets
- Make informed decisions about how to manage identified risks, based on your risk appetite, budget and capacity to treat them
- Seek and understand the right information from your Executive about information security risks that could impact your business